Be the Hero in Someone’s Life
This picture of a blossoming cactus reminds me of when someone was a hero in my life.
It was the dead of a Utah winter and I was really sad. I missed the sunshine, I was cold and I had some other family issues going on. Being from Arizona I have never really gotten used to the cold winters here and this winter in particular was harder than the others. It was colder and darker.
I had mentioned to a friend that I had been having a hard time and she was surprised because I seem “so happy all the time”. But I didn’t feel like that on the inside.
Then one day she came to my door. She brought me this cactus to remind me of warm weather and sunshine. I was so surprised and so grateful! I was overwhelmed with gratitude and felt the warmth of her love and friendship.
To this day I have her little blossoming cactus in my kitchen window. It is a daily reminder of the sunshine I felt that cold winter day. It is also a reminder that small acts of service and love can bring some sunshine to someone on their dark days.
Forever grateful for my hero & friend. XOXO
What can you do today to bring a little sunshine to someone’s life?