What are “Studio 5 Notes”? The Story Behind the Sunshine Collection
Here’s the story behind the KSL Studio 5 Notes and why I’m so obsessed with them…
Many years ago, I was living in Utah, being a mom living the life at home. One day I had the TV on while doing the laundry and there was a program called Studio 5 on KSL with Brooke Walker. The host said, “Do you want to be more flexible?” When we come back we’ll have tips for how you can do that.”
That completely stopped me in my tracks because: 1… I absolutely wanted to learn how to be more flexible in life and 2… There was actually a step by step guide for how to do that? I don’t know why but I had to watch and see what they were going to say. Up to that point in my life, I thought that attributes like flexibility just came with time and that I’d develop it as a byproduct of life, but now I could proactively take steps to being more flexible right now and have a few simple steps to start that goal that I wanted. Looking back it seems like a silly notion, just waiting one day to be bestowed with the gift of flexibility, but I was struggling as a new mom with schedules, being flexible and structured. A lot was happening in my life and I knew that a lot more would happen to “throw me off my game” in the future and I wanted to be at peace with that and not flip out something unexpected happened. I wanted so much to be confident navigating the unexpected in life and in just a few minutes after the commercial break I’d hear how I’d be able to do that.
I’ll never forget that day. And I’ll never forget the beginning of this journey of finding ways to proactively bring sunshine into my life, instead of just waiting for the sunny days to come.
I couldn’t watch the show all the time live at 11:00 in the morning, but I started watching different interviews when I could online while washing the dishes as a part of my morning routine, and I noticed a difference in my life. I was building a sunshine collection that I would soon need in the future.
Meanwhile, I was listening to Studio 5 interviews regularly and in conversations with family or friends, topics from the interview would constantly come up and I’d try to share with them what I had just heard or learned from a specific interview, but could never quote exactly what the guest had shared or all the tips they had given. I could only give the gist of what I had remembered. I’d always end the conversation with, “Just go to the KSL Studio 5 website and look it up and watch it.” When I’d follow up later to see if they watched it. Normally they’d reply that they had forgotten or couldn’t find it or whatever. I always had the thought in the back of my mind that I should write down the tips from the interview, mostly for myself to remember and recall to apply in the future, but then to share it as well in order to discuss with others.
Shortly after, I became pregnant with my 3rd child and I knew what to expect. Intense nausea every moment of every day without relief for months. I tried to prepare myself mentally for this journey I’d be on, but being in bed with debilitating nausea was not only physically excruciating, but mentally as well. As I lay there I knew I had to try to take my mind off the pain, so I grabbed my phone and started watching those Studio 5 Interviews that had brought me so much comfort and direction in the past.
Almost immediately I found a segment in which the host was talking about “Common Myths About Positivity You Shouldn’t Believe”. I thought this was interesting because I was absolutely not feeling very positive or optimistic in the moment. She went on to explain that positivity isn’t being “happy all the time” but knowing this hard thing WON’T BE LIKE THIS FOREVER.
Right that second, hearing those words was exactly the sunshine I needed in the darkest moment of my life. This extremely painful moment I was in, that I could feel second by second and knowing it would last for months and months, felt like it would last forever and something I wouldn’t be able to endure. But I knew her words were true and a surge of optimism and hope flooded my body and I stopped and faced my pain in the present and said to myself, “This pain is here now, but it won’t be like this forever.” And I absolutely believed it and could see the day where I would deliver this baby, hold him in my arms and know this journey would all be worth it. The physical pain did not go away, but a new hope inside me renewed my energy to keep going down a long path to the finish line.
I will forever be grateful for the KSL Studio 5 program, the host, the guests that contribute such words of sunshine. I continue to watch and apply that things that I hear as I continue my path that continues to deal me the unexpected, physically and mentally challenge me.
This is why I created “Studio 5 Notes” as a part of my Sunshine Collection. To provide a reference for these amazing topics and tips that will hopefully bring a little sunshine into your life as well.
Sending you sunshine vibes :)