Feel, Deal, Heal. Regulate Your Emotions With These 3 Secrets
KSL Studio 5 Interview with Tiffany Roe.
We have littles in the house so right now we’re watching a lot of Disney movies. :) We recently just came across an addition to the Frozen collection called, Once Upon a Snowman… and it is hilarious! It shows what happened immediately after Elsa created Olaf from the first Frozen movie. As she walks away singing “Let it Go” the focus stays on Olaf as he comes to life totally lost and confused. The short film follows him as he searches for his identity and purpose. At one point he is running for his life and with a snowman’s body he is coming apart inconveniently and simultaneously aiding in his getaway. During this ideal he shouts, “I’M FALLING APART! IS THIS A SKILL OR A FLAW?”
While the kids just laughed, I laughed too…but probably in a different way. Because I HAVE BEEN THERE! I have felt like one minute I had everything under control and then the next I felt as if I was totally losing it!
I think often we look at falling apart as a flaw, but I think it’s just life. We are constantly learning and growing, and we resist change fiercely. But falling apart allows us to pause, reflect and pick ourselves back up and arrange the pieces in a way that serves us in a new phase of life. I like this new perspective of looking at falling apart as a skill. That I am able to fall apart to deal with what life is throwing at me, but also that I can come back together having become stronger and having gained valuable life lessons.
For those who are feeling like you’re falling apart…you’re not alone or weird or not with it. It is life. Use the skill of falling apart to become exactly who you want to become :)
Sending sunshine vibes your way!
Watch the full interview here: https://studio5.ksl.com/these-are-the-3-secrets-to-regulate-your-emotions/