Are You Choosing Fight or Flight? How to Find Confidence in Our Highly Emotional World
KSL Studio 5 Interview with Dr. Matt Townsend. I have a huge passion for emotional health. Knowing what you’re feeling, why you’re feeling that way and how to respond to those emotions in a healthy way. Our world looks very different today than generations past. We are bombarded with all things social media & other pressures that create a highly emotional world and atmosphere all around us. I feel like a major challenge we have right now is navigating those emotions and learning to deal with them in a way that benefits us and those around us.
Recently we just watched the new Disney movie Luca. Alberto tells Luca to not heed the little voice in their heads that bothers them with incessant worry, fear or inadequacy. They give that little voice a name and practice shouting, “SILENZIO BRUNO!” They keep saying it until they summon the courage to do what they were about to do.
I love this idea to stop and call out that little voice in our heads that nags at us that “we’re not good enough, or that “the worst is going to happen”. When we can recognize that little voice in our heads as fear trying to protect us, we can acknowledge it and then put it in it’s place by saying, “SILENZIO BRUNO!” …and then get on with what we were doing :)
I have to admit I have said “SILENZIO BRUNO!” a few times since watching this movie and do you know what…I have actually stopped my anxiety thoughts, worry & fear in its tracks and strangely felt empowered to continue moving forward. Maybe you could try it as well, in you mind or out loud tell your worry, fears or anxieties…”SILENZIO BRUNO!”
Good luck in your quest to find emotional health and confidence in our highly emotional world :)
Don’t forget to download the notes & watch the full interview down below. Sending sunshine vibes your way!
Watch the full interview here: https://studio5.ksl.com/fight-or-flight-how-to-find-confidence-our-culture/