General Conference Bingo
General Conference is a special time. We want to hear the messages from the Prophet & Church leaders, but with kids it can be a challenge to have them pay attention and focus :) I like to keep the activities we do during Conference very simple and engaging. Usually they have a little coloring activity they do individually, but our Conference Bingo is a group activity that actually…has really made the time pass quickly. The kids are almost in anticipation of who the next speaker will be that it really keeps things moving forward and keeps it…dare I say…a little exciting :)
Plus…it’s really simple!!
How to Play
Print one copy of Conference Bingo & post in the room you’re watching Conference.
When a speaker gets up to speak, have kids take turns crossing off their picture/title.
Pictures are for the Prophet & Apostles
RS: Someone from the Relief Society
70: Someone from the Quorum of the Seventy (you can cross off any of them)
YM: Someone from the Young Men’s
SS: Someone from the Sunday School
BIS: Someone from the Presiding Bishopric
YW: Someone from the Young Women’s
PRI: Someone from the Primary
Listen to the talk while doing your individual activity.
Keep crossing off speakers until you get a Bingo
When a Bingo is made, everyone gets a little treat or prize…remember to keep it fun, but simple!
Keep prizes/treats small and simple. We usually do something like1 High Chew per bingo. It takes a second to get a Bingo in the beginning but they start racking them up towards the end.
Seriously I don’t know why this has been so fun and our kids have looked forward to it every Conference. Plus it’s the easiest thing to prep :)
Happy General Conference!