Behavior Chart

Do you ever feel that negative parent energy in the house? The one that’s always nagging and pointing out what everyone is doing wrong? Like…

Don’t leave your shoes there.

Pick up your backpack.

Clean up that mess.

Why did you do that?

You forgot again?

Hurry and get that done.

Yeah it’s super easy to fall into that trap. And it doesn’t feel good. Instead of pushing others to get stuff done, it’s more like guiding with positive behaviors. Thinking more like, “Nice work” and “Thank you for” instead of “Stop it! Do this! Ugh!!!”

We have this behavior chart in our house that helps remind me to focus on their positive behavior and my positive parenting :)

We talk about what’s hard for them and make goals to improve. It’s really empowering to talk to your kid and let them know that EVERYONE STRUGGLES WITH SOMETHING (even mom & dad) and everyone is different. But you’re going to be there as their cheerleader and help them along the way. Letting them know you still love them even if they make mistakes is huge! If your child is having a hard time remembering to put away their backpack when they get home from school, or hitting their brother or whatever, tell them “This week let’s work on…and when you do it we’ll move forward on the chart.”

Also WHEN THEY MAKE A MISTAKE…”Hey buddy, it’s ok. We’ll keep trying!”

This shifts the energy so much from a parent with heavy negative energy, to their cheerleader who wants them to succeed!

Tips for using the chart:

Print & Laminate for durability.

Use magnets for moveable pieces on fridge.

Move forward for positive behavior.

Try using one game piece for ALL the kids. Their positive behaviors combined will earn their rewards. They tend to encourage each other.

There are 2 types of rewards. Smileys & Treasure Box. Smileys are small rewards along the way. Think fun but simple. (Play their favorite game with them, sticker, small treat) Treasure box is their bigger reward. (Family outing, bake together, make their favorite dinner at home). Customize it to fit your child’s interests. Try to stay away from too many treats or high costing items. Think sustainable yet fun and encouraging. :)

Use and adjust according to your family’s needs.

Bring it in and out to keep it novel. Use a few weeks and put it away. Bring it out again when you’re feeling you need a refresh.

Happy parenting!